Are you a Natural Medicine Practitioner or Health Coach
who wants to spend more time consulting with clients rather than all of the back-end work necessary to run a successful practice? Book a call
Are you too busy in your clinic
taking care of patients to be able to set aside time to work “on” your business because there always seems to be something more important that needs your attention?
You know you should really get around to doing it because it would save you so much time during consults if the information was already prepared ahead of time.
You’d love to be able to print off educational handouts to support your treatment protocols so that patients didn’t have to take notes during the consult, and you wouldn’t have to worry about them forgetting vital information.
Imagine how it will feel when you are finally on-top of things.
Back in control!
When you need a handout for a client, it’s ready to go and you know exactly where to find it. Best of all, they can access your website from home and find the articles themselves, so you don’t even need to print them out!
Your weekly email newsletter is helping to keep them on track with their programs because it’s providing them with extra little hints and tips along the way. They love the extra support and as a result, are making great progress in towards their health goals.
You know in this day and age to have a professional edge, you really need a website, but you haven’t got the slightest idea of where to begin.
What are you supposed to write about?
And how on earth can you stand out from all the other practitioners out there? Not to mention how long it would take to figure out how to build it!
Look ahead a couple of weeks to life with your own professional website.
It portrays your essence as a practitioner and displays your wealth of traditional knowledge, in-depth experience, and your deep-seated empathy that you have that helps make the world a better place one patient at a time.
You’re so excited at how easy it is now to share information with your clients, and can’t believe how much new business it’s bringing in!
I know that in a perfect world, you’d love to be able to offload a lot of this work to someone else, but you’re too scared to hand it over to a VA who knows nothing about natural medicine. They couldn’t possibly write blog posts about the medicinal powers of herbs, or explain intricate nutritional pathways in a handout.
You’d love to have a blog to share your knowledge with the world, and bring in business to your practice.
But you have neither the time, nor inclination to do it yourself, and the thought of finding a ghostwriter who actually understands natural medicine like you do feels impossible.

I understand.
As a qualified Nutritional Medicine Practitioner, Clinical Herbalist and Health Coach myself, I know the difference between your run-of-the-mill “health blogger” who shares their n=1 experience but completely lacks the underlying physiological knowledge. It’s so frustrating seeing all of the misinformation out there on the internet. That’s why I’m now supporting Practitioners like you to help share credible, research-backed information with the world.
It’s time for us to embrace modern technology and use it to bring out traditional knowledge to the masses.
“Docere” – Doctor as Teacher
I’ve been blogging and building websites for over ten years and published my Amazon bestseller Help! My Child Has Hashimoto’s three years ago. Natural medicine is at the core of who I am, but writing and educating others about it is my real passion. I would love to help you do the same and together we can make a change.
So let’s have a chat about how I can take care of your content so that you can take care of your clients.